Box of Crime and Punishment objects to facilitate learning in the classroom
- Model gibbet cage
- Model ducking stool for witches
- Model pillory
- Map of Botany Bay
- Five coasters depicting scenes of witchcraft
- Wooden truncheon
- Police whistle
- Set of handcuffs
- West Mercia Constabulary buttons (10)
- West Mercia Police radio holder
- Say No to Strangers badge
- Postcard The ducking stool, Leominster
- Jack the Ripper replica pack (17 documents)
- Look and Learn magazine featuring pillory
- Folk songs
- Book: Heroes and Villains of Worcestershire
- Book: Crime and Punishment through the Ages
- Additional notes
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on or phone 01299 250416.
Key topics – crime and punishment
Contents of the Crime and Punishment Loans Box