Box of original and replica Roman artefacts to inspire learning in the classroom
- Roman Baby’s Pottery Feeding Cup (Replica)
- Pottery Oil Lamp
- Samian Ware Pottery Sherds
- Wax Writing Tablet and Stylus in calico bag
- Child’s wooden wheeled horse toy (replica)
- Tesserae from Roman Mosaic Floor (and modern coaster)
- Roman Coin collection
- Strigil (replica) – curved metal tool for scraping dirt and sweat off the body
- Roman Gaming dice (replica) – for gaming
- Set of knucklebones (replica) – for gaming
- Chatelaine (replica)
- Roman doll to dress
- Roman Britain booklet & blue folder of additional information
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on or phone 01299 250416.
- Roman Britain
- Domestic History
- Roman Childhood
- Historic Games

Contents of the Roman Life Loans Box