Box of replica toys for use in the classroom to compare old and new, similarities and differences.
- Wooden Cup and Ball
- Diabolo
- Jacobs Ladder in box – [this toy was permitted on a Sunday in Victorian times, as it relates to a Bible story]
- Whip and Turnip Top
- Set of Myriorama Tiles – the ‘everlasting’ story.
- Skipping Rope
- Card Thaumatrope – early moving picture toy
- Set of Desk Top Quoits
- Box of Pick up Sticks
- Wooden Yo-yo
- Bag of Marbles
- Set of ‘Old and New’ Toy Match Game
- Three Information Sheets – Traditional Toys.
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on or phone 01299 250416.
- Toys
- Traditional
- Old/new
- Victorian
- Diablo
- Skipping rope
- Spinning top

Contents of the loans box.