A selection of artifacts relating to the Vikings, for use in the classroom to aid learning.
- Viking Drinking Horn (Replica)
- Horn Spoon (polished cow horn -Replica)
- Viking Shield (Replica)
- Carved bone comb
- Viking Woman’s Costume (Replica)
- Viking Coin Pack (Replica)
- Viking Coin Purse (Replica)
- Game of Hnefatafl (Replica)
- Anglo-Saxons & Vikings Timeline
- Saxon/Viking photopack
- ‘The Vikings’ evidence book- J.Nicol
- ‘Viking Settler’ pack
- Resource folder
Find the latest price list on our main Loans Boxes page.
To book a loans box contact Su Vale, our Learning Co-Ordinator on museum@worcestershire.gov.uk or phone 01299 250416.
Key topics – Vikings, warfare, currency, costume

An example of contents from the Vikings Loans Box