Bite-size Talk: Aotearoa: Māori Myth and Legends of New Zealand
Tuesday 12 September 2023, 2 – 2.30pm | Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum
This Bite-size Talk from the World Cultures Curator looks ahead towards a new exhibition that will be at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum in 2024.
Be introduced to the land of snowy mountains, yawning fjords, deserted, wild coastlines and fiery volcanoes in Aotearoa – Māori Myths and Legends of New Zealand. The exhibition will explore the people, the land, the natural environment and impact of colonialism.
Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum is committed to working with the Indigenous cultures that are represented in its collections and will be working with the tangata whenua of New Zealand in the production of this 2024 exhibition.
£4; book via the link below.