Museum After Hours (table booking available)
Drop-in 5.30pm – 8pm on Fridays 25 June, 30 July, 27 August, 24 September and 10 December 2021.
End your week the perfect way: enjoy the Museum collections out of hours with music and a cocktail in hand!
Throughout the summer we will be celebrating the rich local musical talent! There will be a variety of performers from classical to more contemporary, and we’ll be serving a range of themed delicious drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be available to enjoy).
On our first in-person Museum After Hours event on Friday 25 June, drinks can only be served to those seated at tables. We will be operating a booking system for tables of up to 4 or 5 people (table service, taking cash only). These are free 6pm reservations – those without bookings who arrive later can be served seated, if a table becomes available. Those who do not wish to have refreshments can turn up without a booking and enjoy the music and exhibitions. Free entry, donations welcomed.