Talk of the Devil: Oliver Cromwell, Evil Spirits, and the English Civil War – POSTPONED
Saturday 29 October 2 – 3pm | The Commandery – POSTPONED
Unfortunately this talk has been postponed – if you have booked, the team will be in touch soon and a new date will be arranged.
Belief in the Devil was almost universal in Stuart England.
In this talk Professor Darren Oldridge, lecturer at the University of Worcester, explores the role of evil spirits in seventeenth-century thought, as revealed in the pages of books from the period.
Participants will have the opportunity to hold and read some of these extraordinary works, including an early account of Oliver Cromwell’s supposed meeting with the Devil in 1651.
Half-price day admission to The Commandery (free admission with a resident or season pass) + £6.50 per person.
Limited spaces; booking an event ticket is essential. Half-price day admission can be paid – or show your pass – on arrival.
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