Borrow a Loans Box
You can access the extensive Worcestershire County collection through Loans Boxes, covering themes including Roman life, Victorian life, toys from the past, and wartime Britain. Boxes can be borrowed for a half or full term.
Browse Loans Boxes for your school
This is a selection of our Loans Boxes – for the full list see the price list above.
1950s Toys
Box of 1950s Toys artefacts to facilitate learning in [...]
Ancient Greece
A selection of artifacts relating to Ancient Greece, for [...]
Anglo-Saxons & Vikings
A selection of artifacts relating to the Anglo-Saxons and [...]
Bronze Age
A box of artifacts and replica items relating to [...]
Canal Life
Box of canal life objects for use in the [...]
Civil War Loans Box
A box of objects, for use in the classroom. [...]
Comparing Cultures: Africa
Comparing Cultures: Africa - Box of artefacts to facilitate [...]
Comparing Cultures: India
Comparing Cultures: India - Box of artefacts to facilitate [...]
Crime and Punishment
Box of Crime and Punishment objects to facilitate learning [...]
Fashion Through the Ages
Box of Fashion Through the Ages objects to facilitate [...]
Florence Nightingale
A selection of objects relating to Florence Nightingale, for [...]
Great Fire of London
Inspire learning in the classroom with a box of [...]
Homes in the Past
Learn about domestic life, cleanliness and hygiene.
Homes Long Ago
Learn about domestic life, cleanliness and hygiene.
Local History: Agriculture in Worcestershire
Local History: Agriculture in Worcestershire - Box of artefacts [...]
Local History: Industry in Worcestershire
Local History: Industry in Worcestershire - Box of artefacts [...]
Local History: Transport in Worcestershire
Local History: Transport in Worcestershire - Box of artefacts [...]
Nature Detectives
Box of Nature Detective objects to inspire learning in [...]
Neolithic Domestic
A box of original and replica Neolithic domestic artefacts [...]
Olympics: Ancient and Modern
Olympics: Ancient and Modern - box of artefacts to [...]

Get in touch
For more information and to book a loans box, contact the Learning Team by email or phone 01299 250416.
Bring history to life in your classroom
We offer outreach sessions to complement many of our loans boxes and would recommend booking a visit to your school. Find out more about outreach.
For more information and to book a loans box, contact the Learning Team by email or phone 01299 250416.