Quern Stone loans box to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Quern-stone Upper hand stone Tub of wheat Please note: This box is very [...]
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T15:24:57+01:00Box of Materials objects to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Edulab “Characteristics of Materials” box Two materials photo packs, metal discs & thermo [...]
World Religions
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T15:15:08+01:00Box of World Religions artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Mosque jigsaw Embroidered cap Patka Two Diwali candles Two musical Diwali sticks [...]
Fashion Through the Ages
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T15:32:19+01:00Box of Fashion Through the Ages objects to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Pink/Red skirt and jacket (Victorian) Black beaded Jacket (Victorian) Cotton [...]
Crime and Punishment
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T15:31:20+01:00Box of Crime and Punishment objects to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Model gibbet cage Model ducking stool for witches Model pillory Map [...]
Stone Age
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T14:47:49+01:00Box of Stone Age artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Flint hand axe (replica) Flint scraper (replica) Bone needle (replica) Soft hammer [...]
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T12:34:37+01:00Box of Ice-Age artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Fallow Deer (winter skin) Two flint tools (flint axe & flint flake tools) [...]
Olympics: Ancient and Modern
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T12:19:18+01:00Olympics: Ancient and Modern - box of artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Ancient Games A pair of Ancient Greek long jumper [...]
Stone Age to Iron Age
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T12:01:05+01:00Box of Stone Age to Iron Age artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Large Flint Arrowhead (replica) Flint Knife Blade (replica) Flint [...]
Victorian School
Joanna Jeffree2024-05-30T11:54:15+01:00Box of Victorian School artefacts to facilitate learning in the classroom Contents Six slates with six slate pencils Three girls pinafore dresses – assorted [...]