Volunteer with Us

At Museums Worcestershire we are lucky to have an amazing team of volunteers who provide vital support across our three venues. With a variety of front-facing and behind-the-scenes roles, we’re sure to have something that will appeal to you.

Please be aware Museum Worcestershire volunteers need to be over 18. If you are 16-17 you may be interested in our summer work experience placements. These can be applied for from January each year. Please find more information here.

Why volunteer with Museums Worcestershire? 

Watch the videos to hear from some of our current volunteers and what they get out of volunteering:

Being outdoors and connecting with others is great for my mental wellbeing and I’m always learning new things.

Del, Gardening Volunteer at The Commandery, Worcester

Just put your name down and come and see what it’s like!

Pearl, Activities Volunteer at Hartlebury Castle

What are the benefits of volunteering with Museums Worcestershire?

  • Spend time with like minded people

  • Be part of a team

  • Preserve and share Worcestershire’s heritage

  • Learn new skills

  • Strengthen your CV

Read about how volunteering with Museums Worcestershire has impacted our volunteers’ lives:

Del: Volunteer Gardener

I’m a Volunteer Gardener working in the beautiful Commandery gardens.

I needed to go onto part time hours, for me. When I was ready to interact with people again, I looked for social activities, to fill the gap, which were going well, until lockdown.

Everything stopped. If you lived by yourself, during this time, it was terribly lonely. Most bubbles were formed by family groups, and if your family was far away, there was no contact. Once restrictions started easing, I needed to make connections with people, and do activities, to help my mental health.

Passing by The Guildhall was an off chance, possibly one of those ‘meant to be’, moment’s! There was a Volunteer Fair on that day, so I decided to have a look round.

I’m passionate about gardening, wildlife and history, and keen to meet people with similar interests to my own, so when I came across The Commandery at the volunteer event, it seemed like the perfect fit. It was right on my doorstep, and the extraordinary history and age of the property coupled with the environment there was a real draw.

What I love most about volunteering here is knowing that I’m making a difference. I put in the hard slog as I like to see progress, but there’s always time to sit down and share a cup of tea with like-minded people. Being outdoors and connecting with others is great for my mental wellbeing and I’m always learning new things.

It’s such a big site and we’ll always need more people to remain on top of things and to keep the gardens looking at their best for visitors, so if anyone is interested in volunteering, I’d definitely encourage them to go for it.

My name is Jill and I am a volunteer at the Commandery.  I’ve been volunteering here for nearly a year now and am really pleased that I decided to sign up.  I’ve always been interested in local history so when we moved to Worcestershire recently, I thought this would be a good way of getting to know about the local area.  I have to say that I knew very little about the Civil War and have been fascinated to learn more.  The staff and other volunteers here are always happy to answer my questions and it seems to me that I learn something new every time I come – today I found out that the metal strip at the end of a pike is called a cheek.  As a retired teacher, I particularly look forward to school visits and the enthusiasm of our young visitors.

If you are interested in finding out more about different volunteering roles with any of our three sites, please get in touch:

Get in touch via email at:

Or call the sites directly: