Bite-size talk: Benjamin Williams Leader – A Homecoming

Tuesday 7 February 2023,  2 - 2.30pm | Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum The best-known painting by Worcester’s most famous artist, Benjamin Williams Leader, has returned to his home-city for a short period. 'February, Fill Dyke', the beautiful, waterlogged evening landscape inspired by the winter fields of Worcestershire is the centrepiece of the display Benjamin Williams Leader: A Homecoming from 14 January to 25 February 2023. The painting is currently [...]

Bite-size talk: Benjamin Williams Leader – A Homecoming2023-01-09T14:03:24+00:00

Benjamin Williams Leader: A Homecoming

14 January - 25 February 2023 (closed Sundays) | Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum Benjamin Williams Leader is Worcester’s most famous artist, famed for portraying idyllic and glorious views of British landscapes. 'February, Fill Dyke', the beautiful, waterlogged evening landscape inspired by the winter fields of Worcestershire is one of Leader’s most enduring works. On loan from Birmingham Museums Trust, the painting will be displayed alongside a selection of Leader’s landscapes [...]

Benjamin Williams Leader: A Homecoming2023-01-06T17:50:50+00:00
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